
10 Best Digital Marketing Tools That You Can Use


Staying up-to-date with the latest advances in digital marketing tools and techniques and SEO tools that constantly change at a swift rate is difficult. Businesses and companies fail to keep a track of these ever-changing trends. Around 76% people are of the opinion that marketing has changed drastically in the last couple of years than it did in the last 50. This is because today, digital marketing is more focused.

There are certain marketing tools that take into account specific needs and uses, which ultimately help you in SEO optimization for your business and company.

1. BuzzSumo

This is one of the most resourceful SEO marketing tools that you will find. Most businesses use it for content marketing. You only need a few minutes to understand this tool. You can examine which content performs the best, and then utilize the information to find main influencers to endorse your own.

2. Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer is a great free SEO tool wherein you can keep a watch on your page authority and domain. You can also track the number of links you are getting and the source of every link. Although the free version of this tool gives you a total of three reports every day, signing up for Open Site Explorer gives you limitless reporting on all keywords, links and even competitors.

3. Facebook Page Barometer

One of the social media marketing tools used frequently to compare your Facebook page to other competitors is by using the free tool, Facebook Page Barometer that is provided by AgoraPulse. It conducts an analysis of your Facebook Page and compares it to the pages of other businesses that possess the same number of fans.


4. Canva

If you want to create images or blog posts for social media that is part of your SEO strategy, Canva helps you design visuals that are chic and striking. It consists of a drag-and-drop interface, built-in templates and optimized sizes. This ensures you create amazing visuals in any size you want for your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest profiles.

5. Hootsuite

Hootsuite can make connecting with your customers faster and safer. It is great for local SEO purposes. This tool can enhance your email marketing campaign and helps you manage all your social media marketing efforts from a single dashboard. It is ideal for broadening your social media range.

6. Peek

Although there are many paid marketing tools that help you gauge how users are viewing and using your website, you can even gain thorough insights from Peek, a free tool from UserTesting. Peek helps you check out, view, and hear videos that usually last for five minutes. These videos show a real person using your website.

7. WordPress

One of the major online marketing tools that create great exposure involves setting up a landing page. For businesses that are operating their blogs or websites through WordPress, the easiest way to do this is by creating a new page. The blog content that you create is seen in the form of posts. Fixed content for landing pages, such as ‘Download our Ebook” or “Sign Up for our Newsletter”, can also be created through Pages.

8. SumoMe Share

SumoMe Share is a great way to get more traffic to your website as well as understand and check your share stats. It is a clever SEO marketing tool. SumoMe Share adds share buttons at the side of blog posts and web pages. The ever-present share buttons you see when you read posts on the web, usually come from this SEO optimization tool and are free to add to any page. You can modify the networks that come into view by default.

9. Website Grader

For an overall understanding of your website’s performance, you can make use of one of the most popular SEO tools that is Hubspot’s Website Grader. It offers you a general view of the grade and performance of your business website. It takes into account performance, speed, mobile factors, security, and SEO before coming to this conclusion. Website Grader also offers you tips on how to improve your website.

10. Google Analytics

There is no better way for optimal local SEO that Google Analytics. There are a wide variety of programs that keep a track of website visitors but Google Analytics is one of the online marketing tools that is the most favored. It assists in checking the effectiveness of your campaign and keeps a close watch on the performance of your site.

Devising a clever SEO strategy and working with the right digital marketing tools to produce suitable SEO content that generates more leads is key to staying on top of this game. From social media to email marketing, making use of these marketing tools for a small business helps drive more traffic and offers better exposure to your company.