
Does your website has a robust internal link strategy?

The primary objective of any website developer is to ensure that his website gets as many visitors as possible. No doubt, SEO content is very important for a website to attain a high SEO ranking. One cannot ignore the contribution of the internal links in this regard. These links play a major part in the overall SEO strategy of any website.

Let us look how to build a robust internal linking strategy for your website. Prior to that, we shall briefly understand the internal linking concept and its advantages.

Internal Linking – Concept

In very simple terms we can say that an internal link is a normal hyperlink between two pages of a domain. It is a simple navigational tool. The easiest example is the connecting between two blogs pertaining to the same context. Let us look at the uses of internal links and their advantages as far as SEO optimization is concerned.

Advantages of internal linking

It is important to understand the advantages of internal linking if you desire your website to have a robust internal link strategy.

Internal links SEO is a very important aspect of the overall popularity of your website. Having a robust internal linking strategy is therefore, the need of the hour. Every website should have quality internal linking strategy to ensure a robust SEO marketing campaign.

Let us now look at how to build a robust internal link strategy. One of such internal linking best practices is the combination of Screaming Frog and Majestic SEO.

Link building can be a time-consuming process. Thus, it becomes imperative to scale your internal links effectively to save time. Screaming frog is one such scaling application having tremendous use in SEO optimization.

Build a robust internal linking strategy

The following steps will help you build up a robust internal linking strategy for your website. An important point to note here is that this process will not work if the keyword is the template of the website. It does work with long tail or secondary keywords.

This is one of the best SEO tools to build an internal link strategy for your website.

Optimize your internal links

Having a robust internal linking strategy is one aspect. You should have an idea about how to optimize your internal linking.

Following these six steps can improve your internal linking strategies thereby ensuring Google search engine optimization. This is a very important aspect of local SEO.

Final thoughts

We have just gone through the internal link building strategy and examined its importance in the local SEO context. These are some of the best search engine optimization tips you can get on this topic.