Add/Claim Free Business Profile on
Angie’s List

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Add Business to Angie’s List along with 100 other directories!

TribeLocal can help you build 100+ online listings in Top Business directories and Local Citation Sites. 
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TribeLocal helps Local Businesses add 100+ Directories with a single click.


Borrow Some Experience


Angie’s List members submit more than 60,000 reviews every month about the companies they hire.

They include incredible details about how the project went (including cost), and grade the company’s response time, price, professionalism and quality of work — good or bad — on an A to F scale.

Angie’s List members will tell you if a crew was conscious of children and pets, cleaned up after themselves or just totally botched the job.


Ratings, Reviews and (Sometimes) Revenge


More than 3 million households nationwide check Angie’s List reviews to find the best local service providers, like roofers, plumbers, handymen, mechanics, doctors and dentists. And that’s just the short list. We collect ratings and reviews on more than 720 different services. The people who join Angie’s List are just like you — real folks looking for a way to find trustworthy companies that perform high-quality work. Add claim free business listing on Angie’s list.


Keeping it Honest

Because Angie’s List relies on its members’ experiences, reviews aren’t submitted anonymously. Of course members’ information is kept confidential on Angie’s List, but reviews are made available to the companies who have been reviewed. Since there are always two sides to every story, companies can respond to reviews, helping make sure that members get all the information they need to make a hiring decision. Additionally, members can only report on a service experience once every six months, ensuring no one can “stack the deck” in favor of or against a company. Finally, all reviews submitted by members go through a team of Angie’s List staff who look for any irregularities or red flags. Occasionally, we catch service companies reporting on their own businesses. Those companies are reprimanded and the reports are promptly and permanently removed from the List.


Power in numbers


Through Angie’s List, you have the ability to quickly and easily tell thousands of other Angie’s List members about your experiences with a company. That’s really great news for the companies that do quality work – and not so great news for the companies that don’t. So when contractors know that you’re an Angie’s List member, we’ve found that you’re more likely to get a quick call back, the crews show up on time and work is completed faster.

Follow the Steps Below to Add or Claim Free Business Listing on Angie’s List


Step-1  Get Started

Visit the Angie’s List home page. Click on “Business Owner”.
After you click on “Business Owners”, you will be directed to the page shown on the left side.
Add-free-business-on-Angie's List
Click on “Claim Your Profile“.
You will be presented with the following form. Enter your business name and business address Zip code to search for your business. Click “Search” after you’re done.

Step-2  Claim your Business

You will be presented with a table of search results.
Choose your business name from these results by clicking on the “Select” button to the left of your company name.

Step-3  Add your Business

For any reason, if you cannot find your business, try searching for your company again or add your company by clicking on “Add Company”.
After you click on “Add Company”, you will be directed to the following form. Enter all the required details and click on “Continue”.
If you did find your company but you don’t have the select option available,  then click on “Help” to contact Angie’s List and they shall help you claim your business for you.
After clicking on select, you will be directed to the second step which requires you to set up your account on Angie’s list. If you already have an account then please sign in before reaching this step then. Click on Submit after filling in the information and checking the box.

And that’s it!  You should now be further contacted by Angie’s List on your claim request.

TribeLocal helps Local Businesses add 100+ Directories with a single click.