Know more to hire talents for your agency by reading this guide

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The branding of a web development agency starts with the product and services they deliver. Their quality of the services depends on the resources they hire at the first place. Hiring right talents for your web development agency can be a daunting task whether you are hiring in-house resources, freelancers or outsource your jobs to professional agencies.


There are so many resources available in the market and choosing the best one among them, who will help your organization to grow, is very important. In this article, we’ll be talking about pros and cons of each hiring process and what to look for in a talent before hiring.

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Who should you choose - in-house resources, freelancers or professional third party agencies?

Marketing your web development agency, spending lots of money and the efforts to stay ahead in tough competition – everything can go in vein, if the original product is not up to the mark. Yes, the most important thing a client wants from a web development agency is their website as per their requirement and expectation. All other things come after this. Web developers are the resources in your web development company who does the real job and helps establish your brand in the market.

In-house web developers are permanent resources for your company. If your company’s vision is determined, growth is persistent and you want stable resources for your agency, you need to hire in-house talents for your organization. To know more, some important points about such hires:

  • In-house talents are hired by you, for you and as per your expectations.
  • Can be costly as you need to hire a complete team.
  • You can hire after a through screening and skill testing.
  • Lot of skills and choices are available in market.
  • Hiring is easy but you might be struggling to keep them for long term.

If you want to hire professionals with great skills and that too within your budget, you need to hire freelancers for your web development agency. Note that:o Too many options are available within your budget.

  • You can hire globally, who can work remotely.
  • Records for meeting deadlines are highest.
  • Over promising and not getting your task as per expectation can be an issue sometimes.
  • Reliability is a risk.

Professional service providers will suit you best, if you want to outsource some of your jobs to professionals with outstanding skills, competent solutions and within the budget. Benefits and losses are:

  • You can leave the liability of meeting the deadline on the agency and relax.
  • Job gets done based on legal contract and it is easy to get return if the job done is not up to the mark.
  • You can get answer promptly and in a professional way.
  • Hidden costs can be there, all over the prices might be reasonable though.
  • You have to pay for each and every job done out of the agreement made, which can be costly, if the agreement is not made well in advance.

What to look for in a resource for your web development firm?

So far, we have learned about the pros and cons of hiring in-house talents, freelancers or outsourcing agencies. The main resources that are needed for a web development firm are –

1. Web-developers:

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Web developers are the main human resources of a web development company, who makes the face of an agency. The quality of the product, the promptness and quick answers are the main important feature a good web developer holds.

Skills to look for in a web developer:

It is evident that a programmer should possess coding skills and certain programming languages. Other than that there are skills that should be there in a web development professional

a. Aptitude –

A development professional should own this particular skill. Programming languages and technology become outdated every other day. But aptitude makes a developer learning new skills easily.

b. Fast Learner –

Learning capacity is very essential in a web development professional as technology or methodology might be different in your next project, if you are planning to hire him long term.

c. Team Worker –

Developers should be a good team player as he needs to collaborate with the team starting from project manager, project consultant and quality analysts to get his job done.

d. Communication Skills –

To make understand requirements from clients, to communicate well in the team, it is essential to have a good communication skill which includes spoken and listening skills.

2. Business consultants:

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Along with developers, business consultants are also an important part of a web development team. Business consultants represent your company in-front of the clients and bring business.
Before looking for a business consultant you need to keep following points in mind –

a. Experience –

Most of us do the mistake of hiring someone from outstanding academic records from a great business school. But, if you are a startup or a small agency who is hiring business consultants to get real business out of the competition around, you need to really be careful about the experience he is having. Ask him about his past achievements.

b. Communication –

Communication is the key skill of a business consultant. Look for an all-rounder in terms of communication while hiring a business consultant. He/she should be able to understand and interpret all the requirements of the clients and make him understand the process and policies of your agency. Also, he should be able to maintain good relationships with clients and visitors for long term association.

c. Niche -

Hire a consultant within your niche. There are great professionals who might be very good in say investment banking or insurance policies, but they might not be able to sell web products for your agency. It needs specific kind of knowledge and expertise about the niche and technologies.

d. Vision –

Consultants with vision and specific goal in mind are the best to hire. They should be able to set a goal and target for the business and growth of your agency.

3. Marketers:

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Marketer should be able to optimize your website, perform local and general search engine optimization to attract organic traffic to your site, place ads, branding and management, take care of the reviews about your agency and services, make action plan for the negative reviews etc.

All the policies, processes, products will be a waste, if you can’t sell your product in market. Making a brand is as important as any other task in the company. In this new age of technology boom, marketing techniques has to be cutting edge both online and offline. For that either you need to build a great marketing team or hire a professional service provider like for your marketing needs.

How to start hiring for your agency?

There are numerous reasons you may want to add a new talent to your team. Hiring is like adding a member to your already existing family and the journey can be emotional. However, the process should be strictly professional to avoid adding wrong member to the team.


Here are some steps that will help you find a way to start hiring for your agency quickly –

1. Creating a roadmap for hiring process:

Now this is the basic and most important step for any type of management – creation of a roadmap. Roadmap will guide you through the process step by step and will help you meet your timelines of adding a member. For doing that, you need to maintain a sheet in a free or premium project management tool. Also, you need a periodical check for each of the timeline meet.

2. Define your requirement:

This is another bigger question for hiring a resource – what to hire for? You need to define your requirements of the project, challenges, timelines to be met and budget of the project. These are the elements which will best describe the type of resource you want to add which your timings and pocket will permit.

3. Create a job description:

Next you need to write down the jobs you want to resource to perform regularly. Job description should be precise and should include all the tasks that need to be performed day to day till the end of the project. Writing down a generic job description or a wrong one may be confusing and this may lead to hiring a professional with wrong skillsets.

4. Calculation of compensation:

Compensation is the most important thing you need to calculate way before hiring. You need to calculate the compensation that matches the compensations given for the specific skillset in the market, competitive as well as it should be within the budget of the project keeping your own margin. This task should be done taking time and not in a hurry as this might be little tricky. You may also take help of different professional tools or agencies for research of compensation for a specific skillset.

5. Use hiring platforms:

Once you are all set with your job description and compensation structure, you have to float your requirements for searching candidates. You can seek help of different mediums for hiring the best candidate from the market –

a. Professional Talent Acquisition Agencies -

There are enormous numbers of online and offline professional hiring agencies who can help you get your job done easily and right away. Some of them are Monster, Indeed, AngelList etc.

b. Social Media -

Social media has become a wonderful hiring platform now a days. The professional social sites like LinkedIn, Glass door etc. are very good for searching good talents, reviews, comparing skills etc.

c.Job Fairs:

Older but effective way to find great skills for your project and within your budget! Job Fairs are used by mainly fresher skills and new University pass-out candidates who are willing to give their best to create their portfolio in the market.

d. Startup Socialists -

The sites and groups online and offline who funds, markets and inspire startups can be a good place to find good talents, especially if you are just starting your business. You can get experienced candidates who are willing to work in startup firms.

e. Coding sites -

There are so many sites for coding learning, coding competitions, sharing knowledge etc., which are proved to be great platforms for hiring web development agency. Some of the examples can be – Techgig, Stack Overflow etc.

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Some tips to hire a professional for your web development agency –

Here are some more tips that will help you find matching and better talent for your web development organization.

  • Before hiring anyone for your team, be it a web developer, business consultant or marketer, you need to understand and document your requirements first. Make sure you identify how much and for what you need that professional to be with you.
  • Do not be impressed about the companies and big names he has worked for, screen his skills in details as per his requirements.
  • Make a contract for services and compensation well in advance for avoiding any kind of conflicts in future.
  • Offer and negotiate compensation as per the budget, do not go beyond your budget for hiring a great professional. A good one with skills that match your requirement will work very fine staying within your budget.
  • Always hire professionals who have experience in your specific niche and technology only for better results.
  • Do good research on everything before starting the hiring process.
  • Keep precise goals in mind and expectations you are setting for the company and the professionals.
  • Be open to new ideas.


To hire the right candidate for your organization, you have to give everyone present their skills and personality. Giving the team the opportunities to grow will increase the growth rate of your organization, as well as let them face the challenges and overcome it well, will help to build trust in your web development agency in the market among the aspiring candidates.

As a new web development firm or a startup web development agency, you should be open to doing research. Adding good professionals in your team can lead to good growth and is the key to success in the tough competition out there.

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