Local SEO for Driving Schools

Bring more customers by implementing simple local SEO steps to your Driving School business.


SEO can drive your business.

How do you advertise the presence of your driving school? Opening your school and sitting for customers to contact you will lead you nowhere. The youngsters of today are adept at browsing the internet for meeting their requirements. Thus, it makes great sense to have an effective campaign to boost your local SEO rankings. This article will help you in the process.

Why local SEO for Driving Schools is important? People will feel the need to learn driving. They will automatically walk in. If this is what you think, you may better close down your driving school. This is because you will not get anyone to visit your school unless you make the effort to get to them.

Just like any other business, driving schools need an effective SEO campaign to enable your business to rank high on the SERPs.

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Keep Updating your Information

One of the most important tenets of marketing is that you should be up to date with your information. That includes your contact information, names, and addresses. This will help you to be up to date with your local citations. In many ways, SEO equates citation with backlinks. The smallest of errors can cause major headaches. For you ‘AV’ instead of ‘Avenue’ might be a spelling error. However, Google does not take much time to flag down your website. It is better to use TribeLocal’s industry wise cheapest citations for getting not only the best pricing but also a high rank in local SEO for driving schools.

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Local SEO for DrivingSchool- TribeLocal

Beat the Competition

You have competition in every business. The driving school is not different from the hundreds of businesses out there. It always pays to be different from the others. Stand out from your competitors by offering them, discounts and rebates. Adding CTAs on each page and exchanging promotional links with your customers is one way by which you can be different. Another nice way of enticing customers is to give them a couple of days extra training at no cost. You can also offer to get them their driving license by paying their licensing fees. Anything that makes you different from others should be welcome.

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Driving Schools SEO – The basics

Let’s say you live in Ohio. You wish to search for a driving school in your neighborhood. How do you do it? An overwhelming majority of people will flip out their mobile phones and start typing out in the search bar, ‘driving school in Ohio’. Google has a tremendously fast search engine. Within no time, you will get more than 56 million searches.

Dou you think anyone has the time and mentality to go through each page of the Google Search engine. Remember, a search engine page will not have more than 15 to 20 entries. Imagine the number of pages you will need to browse in case you have to go through the entire 56 million entries. Hence, people will not search for more than a page. Very rarely do people go beyond the first page of the local search on Google. Hence, people always say, “The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of a Google search.” This implies that no one goes beyond the first page.

Driving schools

Organic Search Results

Look at the first entry on the page very closely. You find the words AD stacked up on the left corner. What does this signify? This is a paid advertisement, also known as PPC advertising.

This is the organic search results. They are free, but they have earned the right to be there. Our objective is to make your driving school rank somewhere alongside these names. This can improve the number of hits your website gets. Obviously, the higher the position on the SERP, the higher is the number of hits you attract. Automatically, that translates into a higher number of leads and thereby higher conversions.

Organic search results

Google Paid Ads

This is a no-brainer. You pay for your advertisement to be listed on the internet. This concept does not require any kind of hard work from your side. Visibility is the key to performance in SEO. You always have the option of choosing a strong website and pay money to list your advertisements. You can do so on the social media network as well on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Paid Ads

Google My Business

This is the most common type of advertising campaign prevalent today. Claiming your listing on the Google My Business Page is simple stuff. Access the official website of GMB and submit the details asked for on the application form. It will not take you more than a minute to complete the application. Furnish the correct information and wait for the Google verification. On receiving the confirmation, you can go ahead with seeing your name of the GMB pages. Prior to 2015, there were five names on the GMB first page. Now, Google has reduced it to a minimum of 3. Of course, you have the option of searching for more places. However, your endeavor is to be in the top 3.

Ensure that you furnish the correct address with zip code and phone number. The name of the city is of utmost importance. It can be a great idea to use a map placeholder. This will help people to concentrate on the exact location.


Add Landmarks

Adding a couple of landmarks is important. It will help your customers to find you better. Images can say it better than words. A couple of images of your school can help new customers to identify it easily.

Update the information regularly whenever there is any change in the submitted information. Monitor your GMB pages to ensure there is no duplicate listing. Otherwise, you do the hard work and someone else enjoys the fruits of the business.

Maintain consistency. If your street mentions ‘Avenue’, use the word, ‘Avenue’ and not the abbreviated version. Google search engine bots will consider it as a new address and hence rank accordingly.


Have a High-Quality Website

Invest in a high quality website. Hire a professional to design one of the best looking websites in the business. Remember, this is show business. The first impression is usually the last one as well. Investing a high quality website is always beneficial.

Choose a strong domain like .co.uk, or .co.au, etc instead of the generic .com domains. It pays to have a stronger website.

Your website should have a high quality home page for enticing the customers.The components of a highly successful website design are ‘About us, Contact us, Services page, FAQ pages, and so on.


Use Strong Keywords

Using proper and strong keywords is important. It is beneficial to have long-tailed keywords, especially in your line of business. This is because the customers would be making a specific search instead of a generic one. You can always add the name of your immediate neighborhood to the keyword. There may not be many schools in your immediate neighborhood. Hence, you have low competition. Choosing the right keyword is like winning half the battle.

Your services page should explain each service in detail. It is better to have separate pages for each service you offer. Clubbing together many services can have a detrimental effect on your rankings. The search engine bots can get confused.


Have Quality Content

Hire quality content writers to draft your content. It should be error free and describe all your services in as simple a manner as possible. There should be optimum use of keywords. Ensure that the keyword density does not go beyond 1% to 2%. Google considers anything more than that as spam. Be careful in this regard.

The title and Meta description have a lot to say as well. They have to be crisp and on the dot. It is better to ensure that your Meta descriptions do not consume more than 160 to 200 characters. They should provide the right kind of information enticing your customer to enter your website.


Linking and Citations Matter a lot as Well

Google gives great importance to both internal and external links. Choose your external links with care. Obtaining backlinks for the sake of doing so will backfire. The recent algorithm released by Google penalizes such practices very heavily and bans such websites forever. Invest in quality backlinks. You can always connect to the regional transport office and mention them in some of your external links. This can help you to seek quality backlinks from .gov websites.

Citations are also very important from local SEO point of view. Updating your NAP information is essential. You can use TribeLocal’s industry wise citations to great effect. They are inexpensive and help you ace the rankings as well.


Customer Reviews Present a Positive Picture

Positive reviews from your existing and previous customers can help you a lot. You can always ask them to post positive reviews about your website. In fact, satisfying the customer is more important. Automatically, you get good reviews. Never try to buy reviews from spurious websites. The search engine bots are very clever. They can identify such practices with ease. This is a kind of Black Hat SEO. Avoiding such techniques is good for your website.


Social Media is the Key

Who is not into social media today? You can count the number of such people on the fingers of your hand. Hence, it makes great sense to have a presence in social media. The youngsters are happy to engage with you on social media. This is one of the best places to exchange messages and pictures. Connect each page of your website with the social media. Make it easy for people to log in to your website using their social media credentials. It will be easy for them and make you popular as well. This is what you are aiming for.

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How to Enhance Ranking of your Business ?

  • Explore the Google Paid Ads network
  • Claim your GMB listing and keep the information up to date
  • Have an attractive website and entice your customer
  • SEO content is the king. Have compelling content working for you.
  • SEO backlinks are important. Manage you linking and citation strategy well.
  • Have customer reviews working for you.
  • Never ignore the strength of social media. You can do almost anything using social media today.
seo ranking

List of Directories

Local citations for driving schools refers to those businesses which offer ‘learn to drive’ services. A business can only be included in this section if it is possible to add a new business as a listing.

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