The internet is a fascinating place. It allows people to find products and services, get in touch with family and friends, watch videos, listen to songs, do their banking work, and play games. However, all these wonderful aspects of the internet may change after 14 December, after the Federal Communications…
Ask anyone to name two social media networks and the most common answer you get will be Facebook and Twitter. In order to rank high on the local SEO platform, it is necessary for you to have a successful social media marketing campaign. Microblogging platforms like Twitter are one of…
Whenever there is any talk of social media, the first word that comes to mind is ‘Facebook’. This social media network does not need any introduction. The statistics are there for all to see. There are 2.07 billion monthly active Facebook users, an increase of 16% over the previous year….
Jack has a flat tire right in the middle of nowhere. Where do you think he will search for an automotive repair shop? He is on the highway between Houston and Dallas. Naturally, he will not look for his favorite dealer in New Jersey, will you? He will not go…
We are hearing about a lot Search Engine Optimizations these days and everything that can come into our mind is listed in the search engines. Local businesses are not exceptions anyway. No one has the time to go and search a local business, most importantly a doctor’s chamber in the…
I have a piece of land in New York. You wish to build a house on that particular land. The first thing I do is search for an architect. Where do you search for an architect in a place as big as New York? I have a plethora of options…
In the internet era, the plumbing business is highly competitive in the market, especially when it comes to hiring a company when the customer in need of plumbing services. Nowadays, it becomes more common for people who need a plumber service to make the first call on the top listing…
What would be your reaction if I say, “Crime pays.” You will get the feeling that I am out of my mind. However, crime does pay the lawyer, doesn’t it? Jokes apart, a lawyer has to advertise his presence any way, in spite of the growing crime all around the…
Introduction Within no time, SEO has been an irreplaceable part of the business world. There have been many businesses that have incorporated SEO in their activities while some are moving gradually towards it. Apart from this, SEO is also changing on regular basis. It has been growing at a really…